We are constantly adding new cybersecurity training videos to help admins build a strong security culture within the workplace. To do that you need to warn employees of current threats and teach them good cybersecurity habits.
One of the biggest risks when it comes to data safety is insider risk. This can refer to malicious employees and spies who want to harm the workplace by leaking or stealing information. But it can also refer to employees who make mistakes due to lack of knowledge and training. You could say that cybersecurity training videos revolve around insider risk and the protection of sensitive data.
Here’s a description of our new videos. You can check them out in our learning management software.
Security Culture

This cybersecurity training videos are affirming reminder that everyone can do their part when it comes to cybersecurity. Good habits, caring for the workplace and your coworkers and willingness to help out is all you need. It can be as simple as warning your coworkers when you realize that a phishing email is making the rounds. Or when you notice that they are doing something risky. It can also be about safeguarding the workplace from unauthorized people trying to get in. Or carrying the message of cybersecurity awareness to others. The message of the video is that anyone can be a hero, because not all heroes wear capes.
Insider risk

Most often insider risk stems from unaware employees who make honest mistakes. This can be remedied by good cybersecurity training and awareness. Implementing this training and awareness is the responsibility of the workplace. Unfortunately, insider threat also refers to employees or former employees who willingly steal or leak information. There can be many reasons for such behavior, from threats and debts to real life industrial espionage. Our cybersecurity training videos about insider threat focus on the vigilance of aware employees. The people who may notice that their coworkers are accessing, downloading, moving, or deleting data from the workplace’s servers. Our video encourages them to report such incidences to help protect the workplace.
Double-check before you trust

We already have cybersecurity training videos that feature this cyber risk. Our new video is a bit more “on the nose”. It gets the same message across very clearly. You should double-check strange requests, new account numbers and any transactional requests that could have a big impact on your company. Even if they look like they come from someone you know and trust. Someone could be impersonating a trusted person through their email.
But why create a new video on the same subject? Well, first and foremost because there is no overtelling a good story. Security awareness is about habits and habits come from regular reminders. We are nothing if not thorough! Secondly because our first training video has gotten a few comments. Some people think it’s a bit too risqué for professional settings. It features a couple that is dancing pretty intimately. The older edition is artistic for sure and depicts how one person studies and inserts themselves into familiar moves. But that is our conceptual take on how cyber criminals can take over email conversations.
Home Wifi (Holiday Edition)
Every year we create a holiday edition for one security issue and publish as a Holiday greeting through our social media channels. Last Christmas we gave you our new video on securing the home WiFi, dressed in Holiday cheer. Now it’s available to our clients in 11 languages (more will be added soon) and with additional reading and quiz. If you’re a training admin we recommend saving this one for December.
Stay tuned for more cybersecurity training videos
AwareGO regularly creates and releases new cybersecurity awareness training videos. Our videos are, if we may say so ourselves, the best in the business. They feature real actors instead of animated characters. They are short and have a sense of humor. And best of all, they don’t lecture or shame. We are currently putting the final touches on six more cybersecurity awareness training videos to be released shortly. We will be featuring more cyber risks, such as social media sharing, online shopping, working from home, office security and personal USB drives.
AwareGO’s training ethos is all about positivity and empowerment. We believe this is a crucial part to any security awareness training program. Our cybersecurity awareness training videos give employees real life examples of cyber risks and empower them to behave correctly when faced with similar situations.
Every security training video module comes with additional reading materials and a quiz at the end to drive the message home.
If you want to check out our latest videos you can sign up for a free trial of our security awareness training solution and platform and the Human Risk Assessment.