If you are a CISO or a DPO, chances are you’re responsible for cybersecurity awareness training. But you’re not a teacher. Am I right?
So why are you responsible for training, when it is your responsibility to protect the company’s data?
The truth is, hackers, like most people, tend to choose the path of least resistance when they compromise the security of organisations. This path is very often through people, and cybersecurity threats are exploited through human behavior. It is usually the uninformed employees that lead to the breaches. Unfortunately human behavior is predictable and we are thus vulnerable to attacks. The good news is that through cybersecurity awareness training, the risk from these threats can be reduced.
This is good news because you want people to remember the training material and be able to put their training into action. The attention competition. We all know there is a massive competition for peoples attention today. Just because a video is easy to watch, it doesn’t mean people will. But, the shorter the video training and by using effective storytelling, you will get more people to complete the whole training versus just a few seconds.